Czeching 2014: Wild Tides se s Manon Meurt tahali o zlato

4. prosinec 2014

Wild Tides a Manon Meurt uspěli v hlasování poroty českých hudebních odborníků, u posluchačů i u hudebních expertů z Evropské vysílací unie (EBU). Liší se jen pořadí na prvních dvou místech.

3. prosince jsme vám ve 4. díle Czechingu 2014 pustili reakce zahraničních odborníků z EBU na vítěznou skladbu Wild Tides Longing a na několik dalších skladeb, které byly nominovány v letošním ročníku projektu. V něm jsme stejně jako loni pátrali po nejnadějnější současné české nemainstreamové skladbě, která by mohla mít šanci uspět v zahraničí. V tomto článku nabízíme konkrétní výsledky hlasování i komentáře evropských znalců. V textu i ve zvuku. V českém překladu i v původním znění v angličtině a francouzštině. Vyberte, co vám nejvíc vyhovuje….

Výsledky hlasování odborné poroty Czechingu 2014 ve složení Jana Grygarová aka Apačka (magazín FullMoon), Tomáš Zdeněk aka Lorenzo (klub Cross), Bára Šubrtová (festival United Islands), Pavel Kučera (hudební ceny Apollo), Pavel Turek (Respekt) a Libor Lisý (vydavatelství EMI):

1. místo: Wild Tides, skladba Longing (31 bodů)2. místo: Manon Meurt, skladba To Forget (28 bodů)3. místo: Worldhood, skladba Random Nights (19 bodů)

Výsledky hlasování posluchačů Vote For Your Favourite Czech Song:

1. místo: Manon Meurt2. místo: Wild Tides3. místo: Kaplan Bros./ Worldhood

Hudební odborníci z evropských rozhlasů zhodnotili nominované skladby Czechingu 2014 (Adrian T. Bell - “Realize”, Kaplan Bros - “PorQ”, Klara. - “Survival”, Manon Meurt - “To Forget”, Wild Tides - “Longing” a Worldhood – “Random Nights”).

Jan Sneum (Dánský rozhlas)

To me MANON MEURT is a hit. I enjoy the track. They can play and it seems as if they are perfectly knowing what they want to do – and how to get there. I would love to play the track on air in my radio program on DR P6BEAT (called “Sneums Garage”) – and I spent quite some time last night searching on the web for more info and songs / tracks by the band (later also trying to figure out the link between Katie & The Accessories and MANON MEURT). Also I have sent an e-mail to the band asking for both more music and more info… So – to make a long store short: Of the six options in your selection – one has hit me directly. I would love hearing more music – and seeing the band live someday…

The rest of the bands has not hit me like MANON MEURT – and I think that the only other name that I might return to – would be WORLDHOOD. It’s classical punk. Good energy, well played and well produced. It could be from “anywhere” in the sense that “punk is punk” and the drive and energy is present at WORLDHOOD…

I have noticed that WILD TIDES is your winner. It might be a great live band with a lot of action, but the track here leaves more questions than answers to me. Where are we? Is it live or studio? The track just runs app 3 min – but the first kind of break does not come untill app 1:50. Strange…There’s some good chaos and “balkan enery” by the end of the tracks – but I never really get it…Sorry…

KLARA.: Too much ambience on her voice. She might have a great voice, but it’s lost in the production. I think…Is it a necessity that she (too) sings in English? If it’s a “non-mainstream” artist, I don’t think language is the / a problem. An artist singing in hers / his mothertongue might be far more interesting abroad than someone trying to make the songs “international”. ADRIAN T. BELL: A good pop production. Big sound. Too polished to my taste. The flute and the sax in short breaks are great, though. Could maybe have been used more to make the track stand out…

KAPLAN BROS.: I don’t find it interesting enough. It’s running for a long time – and most of the time the live drums seems to be used in a very even way…only towards the end of the track they percussion shows some real lust to play…Again just to my taste…I have not been checking what the two brothers might have been doing before this. I just didn’t HAVE to do it as was the case after listening to MANON MEURT…

Hervé Riesen (Radio France)

ADRIAN T. BELL: nice title, well produced, good for radio broadcast but for a new artist it lacks originality to be supported by a national radio in another country, we already have a lot of priorities in such a style.

KAPLAN BROS.: more special, less accessible, not feasible for a general programming but they have at least one chance to be supported in the specific programme of the djs.

KLARA.: same remark as for the number 1 Adrian T. Bell; it is very well done, good for radio broadcast but it looks very much like too many other productions, we don’t have enough room for the hundred or so artists in our local repertory which are in this trend as it is. There clearly lacks « the little thing » which would be « their very own little thing ».

MANON MEURT: nice universe, in my opinion few radio shows will be interested, very « noisy pop 90s », the revival is not important enough yet for a national radio to go with that kind of project.

WILD TIDES: 1- about the selected title: not ready for radio broadcast: lack of production, of gripping sound, of melodies, it is rather like a demo on the title in question 2- however when looking for two other titles on this bandcamp I felt a more interesting approach, very « indie » without imitating its references, not easy in a general play list but at least they may hook the affcionados.

WORLDHOOD: very good in the rock genre, in my opinion reserved for the shows with a rock theme but the specialists will appreciate this title. It is a title which might go beyond the stage of pure rock fans but by pushing it into other contexts (commercial syncs, etc.)

Laurent Marceau (EBU, Eurosonic, Ženeva)

ADRIAN T. BELL: Catchy tune, and a good voice too. Just a shame about the sax solo towards the end... :)

KAPLAN BROS.: Fatboy Slim's return in disguise? Leftfield and big beat(y). For specialists.

KLARA.: there again, catchy, poppy. Perfect for radio, too perfect?

MANON MEURT: well we talked about them. I think they are quite good. Bring back MBV, Slowdive, Ride, Chapterhouse. Dream Pop is back on the agenda again. So I say well done!

WILD TIDES: Haunted sound. Nick Cave/Gun Club anyone? Mad towards the end... Would be interesting to see them on stage.

WORLDHOOD: hardcore/punky stuff. Well, why not. There again, for specialists... They seem to be enjoying themselves but nothing new.

Více informací najdete na webu projektu Czeching.

autor: Ajva
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